Exploited Pizza Worker Owed $98,000

by (PPTA).

Tom Taylor for Checkpoint, RNZ reports this truly horrific case of worker abuse and unethical behaviour. The case of Deepak Dhiman reflects extremely poorly on both the ethics of some business owners and the immigration system of New Zealand. From not being paid anything during a “training week”, to being paid $8/hr when the minimum wage was $13.50/hr, withheld holiday pay, no overtime pay, and a visa which only allowed him to work for that business.

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Words Fly at Massey

by (PPTA).

As we saw earlier in the week, Massey University is proposing further job cuts, and Tertiary Education Union (TEU) members were planning to rally at the campus on Wednesday 18 October.

The university has previously said no decisions would be made until the proposal was “carefully and thoroughly” considered by the college, staff, students and the wider university community.

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Book: Fight Like Hell by Kim Kelly

by (PPTA).

I am not sure where I originally got recommended this book, but, boy I am pleased that I did. Over the past 12 months, I have become more involved with my union (PPTA) and have found great personal value in supporting my colleagues with their employment. Despite my stoke, I am still new to all of this and have a vast amount to learn. This book was the beginning of my more in-depth learning about current-day labour, its history, and its past (and often still present) problems.

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Massey Cuts Jobs in Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences

by (PPTA).

On 16 October, 2023 Massey University announced further cuts across the languages, humanities, and social sciences. Tertiary Education Union (TEU) had something to say about it:

Kaiwhakahaere | Organiser Ben Schmidt describes the proposals as “completely short-sighted and damaging.”

“The Massey University Council and Vice Chancellor should immediately halt all staffing cuts and engage with the incoming Government about the future of tertiary education. They need to understand the new Government’s priorities before making such drastic decisions.”

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Postal Workers Fight For Their Rights

by (PPTA).

Reporting from RNZ says that members of the Postal Workers Union of Aotearoa (PWUA) have taken action through the Employment Court. They are currently designated contractors and therefore lack certain rights like annual leave, sick leave, public holidays or overtime pay. Their goal is to be declared employees, instead of contractors, and therefore gain these employment benefits.

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STRIKE: Allied Press

by (PPTA).

E Tū reports that more than 40 members are striking for a whole day as part of their stalled negotiations with the Otago Daily Times.

Rebecca Fox, union delegate, says that wages over the last 15 years have lagged behind inflation and other employers in the industry.

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Vocational Awe

by (PPTA).

… vocational awe serves a central function in our grotesque work culture. It’s a cornerstone of predatory capitalism. If your boss doesn’t want to pay you more, they distract you with praise. They puff up your ego by talking about how essential you are to their mission. The culture surrounding public education has done this for decades to quell dissent.

Jessica Wildfire

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Midwives Accept Pay Equity

by (PPTA).

Midwifery Employee Representation and Advisory Services (MERAS) members have voted in favour of an interim pay equity deal with Te Whatu Ora.

The interim agreement increases the base pay for Te Whatu Ora employed midwives by between $2800 and $12,000 per year.

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This Week Overseas

by (PPTA).

It’s all go with union efforts and collective action this week. Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant, US healthcare workers on strike, US schools to teach kids their labour rights and more.

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Fair Pay for Defence Forces

by (PPTA).

One of the latest campaign promises from Labour is that they will ask the Remuneration Authority to independently set pay rates for defence personnel.

“It’s only fair the independent mechanism should be extended to all defence personnel. Regular and fair binding determinations by the Remuneration Authority will put an end to the historical practice of NZDF pay lurching between catch-up then stagnation for years at a time."

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Te Whatu Ora Delaying Pay Equity

by (PPTA).

Te Whatu Ora appears to be delaying the Pay Equity process for Care and Support Workers here in Aotearoa. E Tū, the Public Service Association (PSA), and New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) are calling on Te Whatu Ora to stop delays via an open letter which needs your signature and via a legal challenge.

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STRIKE: Packaging Workers

by (PPTA).

E Tū reports that 60 members of Graphic Packaging in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) are on a rolling strike until Tuesday next week.

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Wages on the Rise

by (PPTA).

TradeMe’s Q3 job market update, released on 5 October 2023 shows the average salary in Aotearoa broke the $70,000/year mark, up $5,500 from the same time last year. You can see the data for individual sectors here – go see how yours stacks up!

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Costco Workers Win Living Wage With First Union

by (PPTA).

Excellent news yesterday evening where FIRST Union reported:

Almost 200 Costco workers who are members of the FIRST Union have signed a pay deal that will include a starting rate of $26.50 an hour.

Source: Facebook

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